Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Left Brain/Right Brain Test

Mark the number of each statement that you consider to be true.

1. I usually notice what time it is.
2. I would rather take a true-false, multiple choice, or matching test than an essay test.
3. I tend to forget people's names but I remember their faces.
4. I like to daydream and use my imagination.
5. I learn best by seeing and hearing.
6. I learn best by touching or doing.
7. I like assignments that are open-ended rather than structured.
8. I would rather just go do something than think it all through beforehand.
9. People think that I am creative.
10. Even though I sometimes get mad and upset, I am usually considered a rational or controlled person.
11. I don't mind taking a few risks when I think it is worth it.
12. It is easy for me to express my feelings.
13. I like to plan things out and know what's going to happen ahead of time.
14. When I want to, I can really concentrate.
15. Melodies are easy for me to remember.
16. I am good at math.
17. I can learn new vocabulary words easily.
18. I like to work with details.
19. When doing a jigsaw puzzle, I can see the whole picture easily even if I have not placed many pieces.
20. I don't mind doing something over and over until I master it.
21. I am good at giving clear and logical directions.
22. Sometimes I make decisions based on what feels right rather than thinking though all the pros and cons.
23. I can sometimes remember things by picturing where I read them on a certain page.
24. I have a daily and weekly schedule of when I do things.

Left brain characteristics include statements: 1,2,5,10, 13,14,16,17,18,20,21, and 24.

Right brain characteristics include statements: 3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,15,19,22, and 23.

The side of the brain with the higher score is probably your dominant side. This means the characteristics of that side of the brain are more natural for you to use and that you prefer to use them. You are still very capable of using the characteristics of the non-dominant side of your brain, although, it may require more effort. It is important to remember that both sides of our brains are always working together.

Left Brain Characteristics: technical, scientific, mathematical, rational, analytical, logical, problem solving, theoretical, factual, objective, realistic, convergent, precise, formal, verbal, systematic, administrative, procedural, organized, conservative, confident, structured, disciplines, practical, predictable, detailed, controlled, dependable, planning.

Right Brain Characteristics: imaginative, intuitive, conceptual, holistic, inventive, ambiguous, original, visual, impulsive, experimental, risking, divergent, artistic, spatial, perceptive, interpersonal, emotional, empathetic, sociable, spiritual, musical, sensitive, responsive, subjective, trusting, adaptable, harmonious, idealistic, talkative.

Right Brain Conditions (as they pertain to the classroom):

Language - the teacher speaks in an emotional, animated, dramatic style. The teaching method is humorous, simple, descriptive, and positive.

Attitude - the mood is relaxed, playful, noncompetitive. Students feel they can be open to inspiration. They pat attention to surroundings. They feel free to hum, whistle, or sing.

Setting - the room is warm, attractive, casual, comfortable, and interesting. It has colorful displays. The work place is flexible and anything could happen.

Rules - the rules are unstructured guidelines that allow for personal expression, encourage openness, and allow for the expression of strong emotions.

Schedule - flexibility and spontaneity are important. Students may be allowed to lose track of time completely.

Assignment - homework involves imagination, visualization, drawing, colors, shapes, patterns, the manipulation of physical objects, or the use of the body. The assignment allows students to be original, express emotion, wonder, speculate, estimate, read between the lines, act spontaneously, rake risks, or try new things.

Left Brain Conditions (as they pertain to the classroom):

Language: words are formal, factual, and precise.

Attitude - students show minimal emotion. They are efficient, confident, and responsible. They sit up strait, maintain eye contact, and stay on task.

Setting - the room is neat, orderly, and businesslike.

Rules - the rules are structured and precise.

Schedule - punctuality and efficiency are important. Students maintain an awareness of time and time limits.

Assignment - assignments are organized and neat. The assignments deal with analysing, criticizing, or calculating information.


Lindsay said...

It's been a long time since I've looked at left and right brain stuff...I never would have guessed I had so many left brain things dominating right now! I definitely do not feel creative, or want to be, just lets get it done. I'm not sure that's a good thing! :) That was fun, thanks.

That puzzle looks wonderful, I would like to know where I can get one too!

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Hi ShaLisa, I do have two blogs now, so I will make sure you are on the private one, too! (I have happyender, so try clicking the link & ou shoudl be able to look at our two blogs.) I haven't been that great at commenting on my favorite blogs. I need to take one night and just get them all! Then I need to do a couple a day or something! I love to keep updated on everyone! Trent did a very good job for V day. I am a very lucky girl! Thanks!!! I love checking your blog & seeing what creative things you guys are up to! I am going to take this quiz when I have more time & see what I am although I have my suspicions!


Marcus and Janene said...

My vote is both left and right. I had seven on the right and seven on the left. I would not have guessed that I was the exact same on both. It was fun to look at. See ya