I have several times come across the idea that children, when not altered by culture and environment, will choose the healthy option over the unhealthy every time. Is this so? In a society such as ours where candy must accompany the valentine to be worthy, a candy cane must adorn the stocking to be complete, colorful eggs must overflow with jelly beans, chocolate bunnies are commonly found in baskets, and ice cream and cake are offered on most birthday parties, is it possible to create the treat-free environment required to establish the sugar-free preference in our children? My experience would answer that this is unlikely. When we obstruct the way for candy to enter the home, are we creating a stronger desire in our children to overindulge when opportunity arises? Will they display self control when finally they reach the age where mom and dad does not choose each parcel that lands on their plate, although it is undoubtedly harder to control what enters their mouth? Again, I say this is unlikely. One article suggested we moderate moderation. What does this mean? Is this to suggest we give children candy on Holidays and special occasions only? What about that Sunday dessert which has established itself as a tradition and way to bring family together? Or perhaps it is the reward for proper behavior at church? Can we expect the same level of enjoyment as we gather around a vegetable tray? In Japan, dessert often consist of orange slices to represent a sweet life. Treats are not prevalent in the Japanese culture and neither is obesity and other health diseases.
My question is this. How can I, a mother of four young children who like candy, establish appropriate and healthy eating habits living and participating in American tradition rich in the spoils of the tongue and a society where foods represent ease of life more than health of the body? I do not have the answer. You may ask what my approach is and I will tell you. My husband and I eat healthy foods and offer our children healthy foods. When rich, fatty, sweet, and tasty foods present themselves, we indulge and we enjoy. Come what may.
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