Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Want a Miracle

Mom (to the boys): "I want a miracle. Someday, I want to come into your room and find no clothing on the floor. Can you give me this miracle?"

Klark: "Mom, if we give you that miracle, will you give us a super-duper nerf blaster gun? A miracle is worth at least that much."
p.s. all these clothes were deposited on the floor in a single day!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Halloween

Jones, Annie with her "broken necklace", a China doll and the inspector.
The Inspector

Indiana Jones
and very serious Jones, indeed.

"The sun will come out tomorrow..."

Violet, your turning violet, Violet.
(Reality: she colored her hands purple with a marker, cried when I took the marker away, and purple-markered hands mixed with tears equals a purple face.)

Gone Fishin'

Flush the Toilet

The children got out of the most necessary habit of flushing the toilet. I could not not fight this battle and the rule was set - 10 minutes of wall washing for every unflushed toilet I came across, the minutes to be redeemed every Saturday morning. This weeks total: 50 minutes.




School Ready

First day of 2nd grade

First day of Kindergarten (I sure miss him)

Thank you, Grandma, for a Cookies & Milk and Yellow Balloon party! Lanse has started kindergarten and is loving it. Already his new notebook is filled with monsters, superheros, ocean creatures and words.

We Love Our Visitors

Janene paints fingernails, fixes hair and is loved by everybody. I am so glad Janene and her darling family could visit Idaho.