"Mom, is my heart made out of candy?" Genna Della (age 3)
"Mom, will you hand me that so I can give it to you?" Genna Della (age 3)
"I want to be the tooth fairy when I grow up." Genna Della (age 3)
"Mom, when I grow up, can I be a stepmother that is nice?" Genna Della (age 3)
"Dad, how come you never say just 'milk' or just 'cow' but you only ever say 'cows milk' like when you asked us if we want cows milk in our cereal?" Lanse (age 5)
"Mom, I should listen to my heart and my heart is telling me I should sleep in your bed." Genna Della (age 3)
Mom: "I want a miracle. I want to come in your room and find no clothing on the floor. Can you give me that miracle?"
Klark: "Mom, if we give you that miracle, will you give us a super duper nerf blaster gun? A miracle is worth at least that much."
"Why does God annoy people's heads with oil when they are sick?" Lanse (age 5)
"If you want them to grow (seeds), you have to say a prayer to your gardening angel." Lanse (age 5)
"That wasn't Janene, I must have punctured the wrong buttons." Klark (age 6)
"Just put my dinner in the refooderator." Genna Della (age 3)
After his father told him his vision was acute, Lanse said, "Yeah, my vision is cute. So are my eyes." Lanse (age 5)
"When I want to remember what Leah smelled like when she was a new baby, I just pull my bottom lip up to my nose." Klark (age 6)
"Mom, it's because of you that I get in trouble at school. You moved my bedtime up and now that I get more sleep, I have too much energy." Klark (age 6)
"Oh my hex!" Lanse, all the time (age 5)
After mom called her a pill, Genna said, "no, I'm not a pill. I'm Genna Della Adele Strawberry Girl Larsen." Genna Della (age 2)
Mom said to Genna, "my, you are curious." Genna said to mom, "no, I'm not a monkey." Genna Della (age 2)
February 16, our Family Home Evening discussion centered around our country. Dad asked, "What is the name of our country?" Lanse answered, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints." Dad asked, "who is the President of the United States?" Lanse answered, "Thomas S. Monson." Dad asked, "How many states are in our country, or, how many stars are on our flag?" Lanse answered, "three seperate stars, one for God, one for Jesus, and one for the Holy Ghost." Dad asked, "What is great about our country?" Lanse answered, "Because now we know that when we die our spirits go to heaven and our bodies get buried in the earth."
We think it has red in it, referring to her hair, and she does, indeed, use onomatopoeias. Leah Linda likes patt-a-cake, stroller rides, and big people food. She enjoys playing with silverware, loves the outdoors, kisses, and gives pats on the back. She is a funny nose scruncher and loves to watch her siblings but not be held by them. Leah Linda, so pretty.
Genna Adele "Della" aka Punkernoodle sings when she's happy, cries when she's hurt, laughs when she's loved, screams when she's been forbid, and hugs whenever you ask her. She loves reading, her bear blanket, dancing, and doing anything anyone else is doing. Her favorite color is pink, she loves berries, mud, and bike rides, and she does not have a perm.
Lanse Otten "Pants" does not only love the superheros, but is a superhero. He flies, dives, flips, and crashes like the rest of them. His arms are machine guns and he can transform into the Batman Tumbler. He is an inventor both in what he says and what he does, loves sports, wrestling being his favorite, legos, riding his bike, and art projects. Most of his noises consists of grunts and guns, and he is selective of who get to hear him speak. Lanse, blonde and blue-yellow eyed, is learning to rhyme.
Klark Jacob, now known as Super, cannot be outbid on his love for insects. He never tires of bug catching, collecting, and discovering. He loves bubblegum, reading, dodgeball, magic tricks, fishing, and the great outdoors. His laugh is great, his talk is swift, and he never tires of outside. He is honest, particular, astute, scientific, and hungry. What shall we read next?
Glad to see you on here! Loved all the posts.
Oh, tbank goodness for grandparents!
I love your updates. My mom's in town for a long weekend. I love it when grandparents visit. I hope that your class went well. I call ya later.
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