Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Halloween

Jones, Annie with her "broken necklace", a China doll and the inspector.
The Inspector

Indiana Jones
and very serious Jones, indeed.

"The sun will come out tomorrow..."

Violet, your turning violet, Violet.
(Reality: she colored her hands purple with a marker, cried when I took the marker away, and purple-markered hands mixed with tears equals a purple face.)


Amy said...

So cute!

Heather said...

Such cute kids!

Ev said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!!!!!!

Womack Family said...

It was so great to see your family!! I love their costumes. You guys look like you've had some good times this fall. Miss you.

Womack Family said...

when I say it was so great to see your family I meant pictures. We thought your blog was long gone.