So this is our neighborhood. I think I can learn to love it in every way. Klark wants to decorate ALL our Christmas trees next year. :)

Can you picture the gardens and flowers here? Magnificient. I have a lot to learn.

This window is in the boys room. I wanted to show off the trim Chad built after me showing him a picture from a pottery barn magazine. There are two more windows this size but they are still incomplete.

Boys room and they really wanted me to get a picture with the dinosaur skeleton in it. And, of course, the picture of Albert's who has been with me since I was 12 years old.

Living Room looking different (and bigger) in this picture than it does in life.

Living room again, with a piano that I had great intentions of learning to play magnificiently. Who has time to cultivate their talents with young children?

Master bedroom (we have no master bathroom but I don't mind a bit). My favorite piece of furnature is the dresser brought from England by my great grandmother and refinished with real walnut by my dad and I.

This picture was meant to show off the trim around the doors. Isn't Chad wonderful?

Boys room. And so you know, we only make their beds about six times a year. I took a picture at one of those times. Don't you love the long windows? The view is high and romantical.

The girls room. Another long window with a view and a doll house my dad built for me when I was 12 or so. Genna Della got it from Santa this year.

This picture is meant to show the baseboards (new, the house didn't have any) and the charming rectangles at the base of the trim. I love trim and I don't think I am alone in this fansy.

Didn't you want to see the delightful corner pieces Chad let me have? I say "let" because he has no interest in the extras and get them for my enjoyment alone.

Storage room with shelves Chad made with the old wood doors. He is the man!
You will notice there are no pictures of the kitchen or bathrooms. That is because they are not picture worthy. I don't mind. I feel spoiled rotten actually. We have so much house! So much more than we used to have and I didn't think I would ever want or need more than we did. I love the new carpet and Chad's skills and work ethics. Naturally, these rooms are not clean much of the time and naturally I took the picture when they were (not even on the same day - who can have their house clean all at one time, I would like to know). To be honest, I hesitate to post the pictures of my house - it makes me feel foolish and vain. But I also know that I would love to see the new home and the charming touches of any of my friends, I would actually relish it. So, here you are. Our Linclon Log home in all its splendor. I suppose I could take pictures of other rooms in the house even though we haven't worked them yet. I only showed you the best parts.
I love, love, love it!!!! I have been asking and waiting for these pictures for a long time. You guys are great - and busy. I love you guys and can not wait to see your house in person.
Loads of Love!!!
I am also thrilled that you posted these! WOW. I LOVE IT! SO MUCH CHARACTER! That looks like such a fun home to live in, especially with the great touches you have added. I LOVE the trim and the details! I can't BELIEVE your storage room is that organized, oh wait, yes I can! I wish mine was! Your house is very lovely thank you so much for sharing. I love thinking of you being there in its charm.
You guys have worked so hard! It looks so great. I love the trim, with the new carpet. The Window trim! I know that Chad doesn't read any of this...so tell him great job!! Oh and you're on my list for the Fab 5 just so you know;0)
Your home is beautiful ShaLisa! So much fun! We can't wait until we get to come visit you!
I am SO glad you posted these! What a wonderful house you have! It looks so cozy and warm. Chad has done a great job on the trim.
I am so impressed with your blog! You are an amazing writer.
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