And because it is April Fool's day, grand holiday that it is, breakfast was once again prepared by my young and ever so celebratory boys. Yogurt and Cinnamon toast is on the menu this morning. Five grain homemade bread is difficult to cut so the thickest slice measured 2 5/8 inches thick (we measure with a tape measure) and dad got his orange juice, thank goodness. The boys were awake at 5:02 am. Klark is really good at reading a clock. He claims he was never able to go back to sleep although he made it back to bed at precisely 5:54am. It takes time to make such a delicate breakfast. I realize I need to have more friendly ingredients (the boys get creative)around the house on Holidays or I need to teach my children how to make oatmeal. I will be prepared for Good Friday with family friendly cold cereal and milk.
April Fool's Day also appears to be a day when lying is okay, you just have to say April Fool's right away. Klark, particular and honest boy that he is, cannot stand for untruth to be thought actual for any amount of time and produces his, "April Fool" shout in the same breath as his lie. But, oh, how funny he thinks he is. At our house we heard jokes such as, "Della, there is a pumpkin growing on your plant, April fools." "Dad, your tongue is purple, Alpril Fools." "Look, the trees outside all fell down, April fools." "Mom, there is a cat in the house, April fools." And my favorite, "Look mom, I put tape over the switch in the fridge so you would think the lightbulb burned out in the fridge. April fools."