Various tomato plants growing in our windowsill. Our neighbors insist we planted them much too early. Perhaps. But we sure have enjoyed watching them unfold.
Our first crocus bulb coming to life. I have never had flowers before (I traded them for bi daily visits from our deer friends). I miss the deer but I am thrilled with our crocus flowers.
My strawberry planter with Rosemary, Oregano, and Parsley. There is a fourth planter in the back waiting for me to plant Cilantro (Lowe's didn't have Cilantro seeds presently for reason unbeknownst to me).
This picture does not show off what I intended it to. I have five windows in this kitchen, each full of something growing. What a wonderful effect it has on us all. Watching seeds come up creates in me a feeling of overwhelming gratitude. These plants helps me have a prayer in my heart always, at least more often.